Business Manager
Nashville, TN
Jason Leiss is a business manager with FBMM and has been with the firm since 2010. He first started as an office administrative team member directly out of college and has worked his way up over the years. Jason manages a team that provides business and personal financial management to clients. His team often collaborates with clients’ other professional advisors and utilizes the broad range of FBMM’s resources and knowledge to give clients fully comprehensive service. Jason is passionate about helping his clients realize their career aspirations.
Jason holds a bachelor’s degree from Middle Tennessee State University in business with a focus in entrepreneurship. He completed a certificate in financial planning from Boston University.
Behind the Scenes
Jason is a board member of Big Hearts for Big Kids and previously served as the treasurer of the Nashville Film Festival. He has been recognized as a top business manager by Billboard, a “Next Big Thing” by MusicRow and one of the Nashville Business Journal’s 2025 40 Under 40.
While FBMM was his first job after graduating from college, his hodgepodge of a resume includes an internship at a guitar factory, a job glassing surfboards and a stint on FedEx’s graveyard shift.
Did you know?
• Jason calls himself a right-brained person doing a left-brained job. He plays guitar, writes music, was into the emo/punk scene growing up and even played in a rock band for a while.
• His hobbies are vast and varied, and he enjoys sharing his affinity for the arts, cooking, and the outdoors with his three daughters.
• Best advice he’s ever received: Don’t go broke saving money. It doesn’t matter how good an individual deal (or anything you want in life) looks on paper – if it doesn’t work in the big picture, it isn’t worth it.